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Angola Today

Angola Today é o blog de, o site de compra e venda líder em Angola.

Top 5 Startups in Angola

por Kumbuja, em 29.01.15

The Economy of Angola is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, with the Economist asserting that for 2001 to 2010, Angolas' Annual average GDP growth was 11.1 percent. Here you have the companies that are growing the most in this Country nowadays:




1. Jobartis


This is the first site for finding and posting jobs in Angola.



2. Kumbuja




The best place to buy and sell everything you can imagine in Angola




3. Luanda Nightlife


Where to dine, drink and dance in Luanda.



4. SoGifts


Send presents to the people you love.



5. Kallun



Study of languages and them modifications and trendings.





Check our site / Visite o nosso site:


Compra/venda: Kumbuja


Emprego: Jobartis


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